Lawn Care Scheduling Software: Lawn Service Assistant, 25% Off Software Coupons, Promo Codes
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49.00 USD
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1.00 USD
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Lawn Service Assistant, software strives to fulfill, the requirement of green industry. Lawn care business software works like a regular assistant maintaining all on going jobs for the day , week, and year after year. Lawn service software is just like your full-time loyal assistant maintaining you record book for all tree service, lawn mowing, snow removal jobs etc. Landscaping business software has unique customer friendly features that let you 1.     Schedule all future works be it trees, mowing or snow removal or any other landscaping work. 2.     You can use the calendar to schedule, appoint, workers, and maintain resource accordingly. 3.     You can use schedule to check best fit worker for a given customer works; lawn service software helps here make rightful decision. 4.     Lawn Service Assistant stores customer information like address, contact number, email, work record, customer comments, to ensuring customer satisfaction against all future works. 5.     You can pull any customer detail using their name, and in customer details you will find all past work history etc. 6.     Landscaping Business software also help you check all past appointment, works completed  against a given customer including their last work status, i.e. works ,restoration etc,   just like a complete quick refresher. 7.     Lawn Service Software helps you manage pre-scheduled activities of all workers, without any overlap against appointments. 8.     Lawn care business software ensures profit by optimum use of worker and resource. 9.     Landscaping business software is very easy to use and much advanced to streamline business workflow. 10.  Lawn care service software also helps you create reminders for workers about, next schedule, and helps in management of time. 11. As you go on entering customer data it stores the customer data in detail and for all subsequent occasions you are just require to fill the customer name, the rest of the data is pulled automatically (of course you can change that ) thus saves a lot of your time. 12. You can calculate daily income from a given worker or from all workers or from all projects in a given month. 13. Lawn care business software helps you calculate fees, expenses, and profit. 14. Lawn service software, have options, to export data in the available format. Landscaping business software support XLS, TXT, HTML, XML format for exporting data for further use in third-party software. 15. You just need to pay one time fee, for life time license and you will enjoy life time use of the software plus absolutely free updates from time to time. Software coupon code helps you get a 25% discount: F91YYI3IXO

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3 weeks ago

Member Since

September 16, 2024


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Job Quantity
49.00 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD
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Job Quantity
49.00 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD
Job Quantity
49.00 USD
Processing Fees
1.00 USD

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